Hallituskausi 2007-2011 -- Finnish-English Translation Memory (Processed)

ID: ELRA-W0220 This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. The "Hallituskausi 2007–2011" translat...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Parallel corpus from Estonian Cabinet of Ministers (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel corpus composed from content of Estonian Cabine...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
English-Latvian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
DA-EN Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science 3 (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel texts Danish-English from the Danish Ministry o...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
DA-EN Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science 4 (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel texts Danish-English from the Danish Ministry o...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
DA-EN Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel texts Danish-English from the Danish Ministry o...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Corpus on Finance and Economics from Bank of Latvia (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Contents of web site https://makroekonomika.lv/ -- Latvi...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
English-Danish Parallel corpus from Tatoeba project (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel corpus from English-Danish translations from ta...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
English-Danish EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
PsychAnaphora - Event related brain potentials from young and older adults

This set of materials pertains to a study on the processing of explicit pronouns in European Portuguese. Forty spreadsheets containing Event Related Potentials, encoded as voltage variations across 64 electrodes during 1.5 s, in two millisecond steps, are provided, 20 of which pertain to younger ...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text

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