
For the infrastructure to distribute your resource, you need to deposit it. To deposit your resource, it has to be characterized and you need to fill in a respective metadata record. To conclude your metadata record, you need to submit an instance of the deposit agreement template below.

Resource Deposit Agreement

1Purpose of this Agreement

By submitting my resource for deposit, I grant a non-exclusive license for distribution of that resource to the research Infrastructure PORTULAN CLARIN. This license is non-exclusive, and therefore does not prevent me exercising any rights I have to distribute or publish the resource elsewhere. This license is for distribution, and therefore does not transfer my property or moral rights to the Infrastructure.

2Depositor’s declaration

I declare that:

2.1I grant to the Infrastructure a non-exclusive, worldwide license to do any of the acts restricted by intellectual property rights to store the resource and make it accessible to members of the public under its distribution policy. Rights granted to the Infrastructure through this Agreement are entirely non-exclusive and I am free to distribute or publish the resource or future versions elsewhere.

2.2I am either the rights holder or am permitted by rights holder(s) of the resource to enter into this Agreement. By this Agreement, no rights other than the non-exclusive right to store and distribute are transferred to the Infrastructure, and therefore I retain all rights in the resources I have, including the right to be acknowledged as author.

2.3To the best of my knowledge, the resource does not, and will not, infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any person or organization. The resource does not breach any law nor contain any material of a defamatory or libellous nature.

2.4Where the resource concerns human subjects, I confirm that the appropriate written and informed consent and ethical approval was obtained for the collection and the handling of the data. Where collection of personal data was carried out without consent, I confirm that I have provided the legal basis for using the data.

2.5If the resource has been commissioned, sponsored or supported by any organisation other than PORTULAN CLARIN, I have fulfilled all of the obligations required by such contract(s) or Agreement(s).

2.6Under this Agreement, the metadata I provide accurately corresponds to the respective resource I deposit.

3Rights and responsibilities of the Infrastructure

I agree that:

3.1The Infrastructure may electronically store, copy or convert the resource for preservation purposes and to ensure future accessibility, without changing its content.

3.2The Infrastructure may create persistent identifiers (e.g. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)) to provide a permanent link to the resource via a resource catalogue or via other means.

3.3The Infrastructure may make the metadata openly available without restriction (under Creative Commons Zero CC0 waiver).

3.4Under the license that is indicated by me during the process of depositing the resource or that may be reset by me afterwards, the Infrastructure may make this resource available only to members of the public that explicitly abide by that license.

3.5The Infrastructure shall not be under any obligation to take legal action on my behalf or on behalf of any other rights holder in the event of breach of intellectual property rights or any other right, or of licensing terms, relative to the resource.

4Alteration or withdrawal/take-down of resource

The Infrastructure and I agree that:

4.1The Infrastructure is entitled to remove the resource and/or its metadata record, wholly or in part, on a permanent or temporary basis, if the resource and/or its metadata record is found to violate the rights of any person or organisation, or for operational reasons of the Infrastructure.

4.2I am entitled to alter the resource and/or its metadata record distributed by the Infrastructure, including the distribution license. I am entitled to withdraw the resource and/or its metadata record from the Infrastructure after a deposit period of two years.


I agree that:

5.1The Infrastructure accepts no responsibility for mistakes, omissions, or legal infringements within the resource.

5.2While every care will be taken to preserve the integrity of the resource, the Infrastructure is not liable for loss or damage to the resource while it is stored in the Infrastructure.

5.3While the resource will be distributed by the Infrastructure only to members of the public that explicitly abide by the terms of its license, the Infrastructure is not liable for loss or damage resulting from violation of the terms of the license.

5.4Eventual distribution of the resource against a monetary compensation to the Infrastructure by me or by members of the public will be regulated by another agreement between me and the Infrastructure.

6Term and termination of this Agreement

I and the Infrastructure agree that:

6.1This Agreement shall come into effect on the date on which the Infrastructure receives the resource and remains valid until the resource is wholly taken down on a permanent basis. If the Infrastructure decides not to include the resource in its repository, this Agreement is cancelled.

6.2If the Infrastructure ceases to exist or it terminates its data-archiving or distribution activities, or due to other operational factors, upon written notice to me, the Infrastructure is entitled to transfer the resource to a similar organization that will continue this Agreement, which continues to include my right to withdraw the resource and terminate this Agreement.


Resource – a set of digital files containing data, software or documentation that supports documental or instrumental purposes, including the support of scientific research, education, innovation, cultural heritage preservation or artistic creativity.

Data – data that is collected, observed, or created, for purposes of analysis to produce research results. The word “data” is used throughout this document to refer to scientific research data.

Metadata – information about a resource which describes, specifies or contextualises the resource and its content.


For the infrastructure to distribute your resource, you need to deposit it.

To deposit your resource, it has to be characterized and you need to fill in a respective metadata record.

To conclude your metadata record, you need to indicate the license under which you want the infrastructure to distribute it to third parties.

For you to decide which license is convenient for you, you may find interesting to use the following license selection helpers:

ELRA-European Language Resources Association Wizard

UFAL License selector

CLARIN License Category Calculator

Creative Commons Chooser

These helpers are provided for your convenience. If the license you want for your resource is not listed in any of the helpers above, you can still use it.

Preservation plan

The present preservation plan is structured according to the guidelines in the Special Issue on Digital Preservation of the Journal Information Standards Quarterly, volume 22, issue 2, ISSN 1041-003.

1. Rationale

PORTULAN CLARIN ensures the preservation and fostering of the scientific heritage regarding the Portuguese language, supporting the digital preservation, promotion, distribution, sharing and reuse of language resources for this language, including text collections, lexicons, processing tools, etc.

It represents an asset of utmost importance for the technological development of the Portuguese language and to its preparation for the digital age, contributing to ensure the citizenship of its speakers in the information society.

2. Organizational Commitment

PORTULAN CLARIN belongs to and is supported by the Portuguese National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance. This roadmap is organized, fostered and supported by the national agency for research, Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), belonging to the Ministery of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES).

PORTULAN CLARIN is part of the international research infrastructure CLARIN ERIC. This is a landmark infrastructure in the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).

By default this framework encompasses succession safeguard by means of which other infrastructure node would take over and continue the preservation of the resources in the unlikely event of a discontinuation of the PORTULAN CLARIN operation.

3. Financial Commitment

PORTULAN CLARIN is supported by the national agency for research, Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), belonging to the Ministery of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES). Its continuity is ensured by sufficient funding contracted with it.

This funding had its inception in mid 2017 and is scheduled to be renewed for periods of 3-4 years.

4. Preservation Strategies

The preservation plan includes these overall guidelines:

  • Development, update and maintenance of reliable options for the ingest of new materials into the repository, based on community standards or best practices;
  • Provision of reliable data management services for timely access to deposited content;
  • Development and maintenance of archival storage for deposited content;
  • Monitoring and remaining active in the community of preservation activities, best practices and standards;
  • Anticipate and respond to changes in the preservation environment.

The preservation plan includes these strategies:

Each resource deposited for distribution receives a Persistent Identifier (PID) for reference and citation, fostering its long term identification and preservation. As a rule, PORTULAN CLARIN will not do any modifications in the content of the deposited resource, which fall under the responsibility of the depositor. If a modified version of the resource is deposited, the older version is preserved too. Different versions get different version labels, and all of them are considered as items to be preserved.

The PORTULAN CLARIN encourages the usage of specific file formats as recommended by CLARIN ERIC. The guiding principles for format selection are: open standards are preferred over proprietary standards; formats should be well-documented, verifiable, and proven; text-based formats are preferred over binary formats where possible; in the case of digitalization of analogue signal, lossless or no compression is recommended.

The preferred file formats will change over time, in which case the PORTULAN CLARIN will make every effort to migrate to other formats while keeping originals intact for reproducibility purposes (i.e. migrated item will be a new repository record linked to the old one).

An audit trail is automatically maintained by the repository for all operations on a deposited resource. The repository verifies the integrity of the stored data through the use of checksums maintained as part of the system metadata. The built-in version control system ensures that the data is never overwritten but instead new versions are created on every update operation.

PORTULAN CLARIN utilizes widely used open source software stacks to facilitate all repository services. This maximizes the conditions of long term support, including with respect to updates and security fixes, for the tools being used and improves the ability to run installations of these software stacks independent from the underlying hardware and/or operating system. The update status of installed software is monitored regularly and available updates are installed.

5. Metadata Creation

Metadata is fundamental to preserving digital resources deposited in PORTULAN CLARIN repository. Every language resource in the repository is thoroughly documented by the respective metadata record. In order to receive permission to deposit their resources, users are previously required to create the respective metadata records, being provided with suitable online forms for that purpose.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

The governance of the infrastructure is ensured by a Board of Directors and a Management Team.

The Board of Directors includes the Director General and the Executive Directors, who are responsible for conducting the activities of the infrastructure in compliance with the present preservation plan, and the infrastructure's mission in general.

The Management Team includes the Technical Manager, the Scientific Resources and Users Support Manager and the Communication and Administrative Manager, who are responsible for implemetinh the activities of the infrastructure.

These two governance structures are advised by the Strategic Advisory Body.

7. Training

The PORTULAN CLARIN staff is composed of members with long experience in data curation, natural language data processing, technical maintenance and software development. Most of them are also experts in the field of language resources and technology who publish on, and attend, top-ranked scientific conferences in their domains of expertise.

8. Monitoring and Review

The technical operation of the infrastructure, in general, and the digital preservation, in particular is under permanent monitoring by the Technical team, under the responsibility of the Technical Manager.

PORTULAN CLARIN undergoes periodical external assessments and certification by CLARIN and by CoreTrustSeal that help its users to be reassured that it is a reliable and trustworthy repository.