HESITA database

The HESITA database is a corpus consisting of television daily news collected over a month and was annotated regarding to hesitation events, acoustical environments, speaking styles, speaker characteristics and respiratory events, among other characteristic sounds.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Types:Text

CINTIL DependencyBank PREMIUM is a corpus of Portuguese utterances manually annotated with the representation of grammatical dependency relations and the information of part-of-speech, inflection and lemmas. It is being developed and maintained at the University of Lisbon. The current version is ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Lexicon of discourse markers for European Portuguese

The lexicon of discourse markers for European Portuguese contains 252 pairs of discourse marker/rhetorical sense. The lexicon covers conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs, adverbial phrases and alternative lexicalizations with a connective function, as in the PDTB (Prasad et al., 2008; Prasad et al...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

Portulex is a lexical database in European Portuguese that contains words from reading texts in children’s schoolbooks for reading and language instruction in Grades 1 to 4. It comprises a wordform and a lemma database. The wordform database consists of 17,062 inflected wordforms, and the lemma d...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

DVPM-EtyMor is a lexical database. Etymological, morphological and textual exemplification. Around 3000 verbs. Language: Medieval portuguese.

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

DVPM-SynSem is a lexical database with syntactic and semantic information in Medieval Portuguese. It contains around 3000 verbs.

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

Grafone-LEX is a lexical database for conversion from graphemes to phonemes

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
SIMPLE Portuguese Lexicon

The SIMPLE Portuguese Lexicon is constituted by 10,438 entries semantically encoded, accordingly to the parole common encoding standards.

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
Gervásio PT-BR base

Gervásio PT-* is a foundation, large language model for the Portuguese language. It is a decoder of the GPT family, based on the neural architecture Transformer and developed over the Pythia model, with competitive performance for this language. It has different versions that were trained for ...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text
Gervásio PT-PT base

Gervásio PT-* is a foundation, large language model for the Portuguese language. It is a decoder of the GPT family, based on the neural architecture Transformer and developed over the Pythia model, with competitive performance for this language. It has different versions that were trained for ...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text

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