CINTIL-QATreebank is a treebank composed of Portuguese sentences that can be used to support the development of Question Answering systems. This Treebank includes 111 declarative sentences from the pre-existing CINTIL-Treebank (see Branco et al. 2011) whose syntactic structure was manually transf...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The NPChunks training corpus contains approximately 1,000 sentences, in a total of 24,243 tokens, selected randomly from the written part of the CINTIL corpus (Barreto et al, 2006). The CINTIL corpus is a linguistically interpreted corpus of Portuguese composed of 1 Million annotated tokens from ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
BDCamões Corpus - Collection of Portuguese Literary Documents from the Digital Library of Camões I.P. (Part I)

BDCamões Corpus is a collection of literary documents written in Portuguese, in plain text .txt format, with close to 4 million words from over 200 complete documents from 83 authors in 14 genres, covering a time span from the 15th to the 21st century, and adhering to different orthographic conve...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Corpus de Produções Escritas de Aprendentes de PL2 (PEAPL2)

A Portuguese as a non-native language learners' corpus of written texts with three independent subcorpora: - Portuguese as a Foreign Language: Subcorpus Português Língua Estrangeira (PEAPL2_PLE) - East Timorese Portuguese: Subcorpus T...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

CINTIL DependencyBank PREMIUM is a corpus of Portuguese utterances manually annotated with the representation of grammatical dependency relations and the information of part-of-speech, inflection and lemmas. It is being developed and maintained at the University of Lisbon. The current version is ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The CINTIL-TreeBank (Branco et al., 2011) is a corpus of syntactic constituency trees of Portuguese texts composed of 10,039 sentences and 110,166 tokens taken from different sources and domains: news (8,861 sentences; 101,430 tokens), novels (399 sentences; 3,082 tokens). In addition, there are ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense - POS

Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense - POS is a manually verified part-of-speech annotation of the EXMARaLDA transcriptions in "Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense", a Portuguese speech corpus with 90 hours of recorded spontaneous speech, aligned with its transcription in EXMARaLDA f...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Fundamental Portuguese

This resource includes a spoken Portuguese corpus - with aligned sound and orthographic transcription -, collected among sociolinguistically diverse speakers. It consists of recordings from informal conversations.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Types:Text
Chancelaria de D. Afonso III: documentos em português

Os documentos em português da Chancelaria de D. Afonso III constituem o primeiro conjunto significativo de textos em português (34 documentos que recobrem um período de 24 anos: 1255 - 1279), sendo apenas a partir de 1279, com D. Dinis (1261-1325), que se inicia o uso sistemático do português co...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Archivo dos Açores, dir. Ernesto do Canto, 1.ª série, Ponta Delgada, Vol. 1-12

A publicação Arquivo dos Açores, consagrada como obra de referência para a investigação histórica sobre o arquipélago dos Açores, conta com duas séries, num total de 20 volumes. A primeira série do Arquivo dos Açores, composta por 15 volumes, decorreu entre 1878 e 1959, com grandes interrupções r...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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