LX Semantic Similarity is an online service for measuring the semantic
similarity between words in Portuguese. This service uses the LX-DSemVectors, a distributional semantics model
(a.k.a. word embeddings) of the Portuguese language (also available from GitHub).
The model represents each word in its vocabulary by a vector of real numbers.
This vector representation allows to obtain a measure of similarity
between two or more words, calculated by means of the cosine distance
between the vectors of those words.
The online service provides two types of search:
Calculating the semantic distance between a pair of words: By inserting two words, the service displays the distance
between them and an interactive 2D plot (t-SNE embedding) with the 200
closest words to each of the input words.
Displaying the semantic cloud of a word: By inserting a single word, the service shows a word cloud
with the 20 most similar words (using a larger font size for words
closer to the input word) and a table with the 20 most similar terms
(and their similarity with respect to the input word).
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warranty, no liability, no endorsement, temporary, non exclusive, share alike.