U-Compare Sentence Splitting Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies sentences in plain text Tools in workflow: Freeling sentence splitter web service (service provided by the PANACEA project) NOTE: The licence provided covers the web service o...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare NP Chunking Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies NP chunks in plain text. Also carries out sentence splitting, tokenisation and POS tagging Tools in workflow: MLRS Sentence Splitter (University of Malta), UAIC-POSTagger, UAIC-...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Co-reference Identification service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies co-reference chains in plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens with parts-of-speech and lemmas, and NP chunks Tools in workflow: TTL-Tokenizer (RACAI, Romania), TTL-Tagger...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Discourse Parsing Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Performs discourse parsing on plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens, parts of speech, lemmas, clauses and coreference chains Tools in workflow: UAIC-POSTagger, UAIC-NPChunker, UAI...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Segmentation Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies clauses/segments in plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens, POS tags and lemmas. Tools in workflow: Cafetiere Sentence Splitter (University of Manchester), TTL Tokenizer...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Tokenisation service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies sentences and tokens in plain text. Tools in workflow: Freeling sentence splitter web service (service provided by the PANACEA project), LX-Tokenizer (web service provided by th...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

RudriCo-TOK is a tokenizer tool that splits contractions. De-contraction rules: 178.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Lemmatizer for Portuguese

Based on the MXPOST part of speech tagger and UNITEX dictionaries for Portuguese, this tool produces the lemmas of the words of a text stored in a plain text file. The source code is also provided.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-UDParser is a UD parser for Portuguese, which adopts the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 90.87 for UAS and 88.01 for LAS under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silva, Luís Gomes and João Rodri...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
CRPC-Named Entity Recognizer

A NER-classifier based on memory-based learning, trained on the CINTIL dataset, a corpus that contains part of the Corpus de Referência do Português Contemporâneo - CRPC (Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese). https://portulanclarin.net/repository/browse/cintil-corpus-internacional-do-por...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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