YamCha is a generic, customizable, and open source text chunker oriented toward a lot of NLP tasks, such as POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition, base NP chunking, and Text Chunking. We used it for NP chunking.
Treat is a toolkit for natural language processing and computational linguistics in Ruby. The Treat project aims to build a language- and algorithm- agnostic NLP framework for Ruby with support for tasks such as document retrieval, text chunking, segmentation and tokenization, natural language pa...
The SIMPLE Portuguese Lexicon is constituted by 10,438 entries semantically encoded, accordingly to the parole common encoding standards.
The resource is constituted by 20 thousand entries morpho-syntactically and syntactically encoded, accordingly to the parole common encoding standards.
LX-Sentence Splitter is a language processing tool for delimiting sentences in Portuguese. It was developed and is maintained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. LX-Sentence Splitter marks sentence boundaries with <s>…</s>, and p...
LX Semantic Similarity is an online service for measuring the semantic similarity between words in Portuguese. This service uses the LX-DSemVectors, a distributional semantics model (a.k.a. word embeddings) of the Portuguese language. The model represents each word in its vocabulary by a vecto...
LX-Quantitative is an online service for the quantitative analysis of texts along a range of linguistic metrics. This service is based on automatic text processing tools. Hence, the results it returns may not be always totally correct. Its high accuracy rate tough allows it to provide a useful...
LX-Proficiency is an online service for the quantitative analysis of texts along a range of linguistic metrics, and for the estimation of the proficiency level of texts. These quantitative metrics are meant to provide support in the classification of texts according to the proficiency levels i...
LX-Conjugator is a freely available online service for fully-fledged conjugation of Portuguese verbs. It was developed and is maintained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. LX-Conjugator takes a Portuguese infinitive verb form a...
The present tool, that was built to deal with specific issues concerning orthographic conventions adopted for Portuguese, marks sentence boundaries with <s>…</s>, and paragraph boundaries with <p>…</p>. Unwraps sentences split over different lines. A f-score of 99.94% was obtained when testing o...