In order to construct the inventory, we firstly compiled a species name dictionary by combining all of the names available in Catalogue of Life (CoL), Encyclopedia of Life (EoL) and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The terms contained in this dictionary were then located within ...
The corpus presented here is a collection of several tutorials and scientific papers in the field of Information Technology with 603 annotated definitions from Portuguese. The texts were collected from the Web at the beginning of the 2006 and they are organised in 32 files of three different sub-...
The CINTIL-DependencyBank (Branco et al., 2011a) is a corpus of grammatical dependencies of Portuguese texts composed of 10,039 sentences and 110,166 tokens taken from different sources and domains: news (8,861 sentences; 101,430 tokens), novels (399 sentences; 3,082 tokens) (see 3.2.). In additi...
The DepBankPT (Branco et al., 2011a) is a corpus of grammatical dependencies of the translated news composed of 3,406 sentences and 44,598 tokens taken from the Wall Street Journal. The DepBankPT is aligned to a constituency bank, the TreeBankPT (see Branco et al., 2011b). The key bridging eleme...
Geo-Net-PT 02 is a public Geospatial Ontology of Portugal (see Chaves et al., 2007), a computational resource (see Rodrigues et al., 2006 and Rodrigues, 2009) for applications demanding geographic information about Portugal, and contains 701,209 concepts stored in a GKB system, most of them admin...
A corpus of manually annotated event hierarchies in news stories.
A computational lexicon for Portuguese that provides mappings between verbs and their nominalizations.
Conta-me Histórias [] is a temporal summarization framework of news articles that allows users to explore and revisit events in the past. To select relevant stories of different time-periods, we rely on YAKE! [] a keyword extraction algorithm devel...
TimeBankPT, a TimeML annotated corpus of Portuguese, is the first corpus of Portuguese with rich temporal annotations (i.e. it includes annotations not only of temporal expressions but also about events and temporal relations). The annotation scheme used is similar to TimeML. TimeBankPT is the...
This inventory contains a set of terms that are relevant to the study of medical history. The inventory is organised as a set of "heading terms", belonging to one of seven different semantic categories, each of which is accompanied by a set of semantically-related terms. There are around 175,0...