ixa-pipe-coref-eu is a Basque coreference resolution tool, which is an adaptation of Stanford Deterministic Coreference Resolution (http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/downloads/dcoref.shtml). This tool reads a text document annotated with lemmas, named entities and constituents formated in Natural La...
ixa-pipe-pos-eu is a robust and wide-coverage morphological analyser and a Part-of-Speech tagger for Basque. The analyser is based on the two-level formalism and has been designed in an incremental way with three main modules: the standard analyser, the analyser of linguistic variants, and the...
ixa-pipe-dep-eu is a Basque dependency parsing tool. It is based on MATE-tools. This tool takes a document in Natural Language Processing Annotation Format (NAF) format (http://wordpress.let.vupr.nl/naf/) and outputs a new NAF document. This tool is partly funded by the European Commission ...
This tool assigns a part-of-speech tag and base form to each token in a text. It operates on text that has previously been tokenised and morphologically analysed. The POS tagger is a module of Apertium machine translation system. The provided tool can currently operate on a subset of the language...
This tool translates text from a source language into a target language. It operates on text that has previously been tokenised and morphologically analysed, and POS-tagged. Target language tokens are assigned POS tags and morphological analyses. The Apertium Translator is a module of Apertium ma...
This tool performs tokenization of text and assigns all possible morphological analyses to each token. These analyses include the base form of the token, part-of-speech, information about number and gender. The morphological analyser is a module of Apertium machine translation system. The provide...
This is a workflow that is designed especially for use in the UIMA-based U-Compare workbench (see separate META-SHARE record). The workflow is in "ucz" format (specific to U-Compare) and can be imported via the "Import Workflow" item in the "Workflows" menu of the U-Compare interface. It include...
ixa-pipe-ned-ukb is a multilingual Named Entity Disambiguation tool. It is based on UKB (http://ixa2.si.ehu.es/ukb/), a graph-based Word Sense Disambiguation tool. The Wikipedia graph built from the hyperlinks between Wikipedia articles is used for the processing. The input of the tool is ...
A language identifier for closely related languages.
Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Carries out syntactic parsing on plain text Tools in workflow: Cafetiere Sentence Splitter (University of Manchester), OpenNLP Tokenizer (Apache), STEPP Tagger (University of Manchester), ...