U-Compare Workbench

The U-Compare Workbench is a graphical user interface that operates on top of the U-Compare platform. The U-Compare platform allows users to build and evaluate NLP workflows. Workflows consist of one or more components, consisting of corpus readers and tools, such as tokenisers, POS taggers, name...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Type system

The resource constitues of a hierarchically-structured system of data types, which is intended to be suitable for describing the inputs and output annotation types of a wide range of natural language processing applications which operate within the UIMA Framework. It is being developed in conjunc...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text
EUROPARL Corpus Parallel Corpora: Portuguese-English

The EUROPARL Corpus (subpart Portuguese-English of the parallel corpora), available at http://www.statmt.org/europarl/, was extracted from the proceedings of the European Parliament (Koehn, 2005). It contains transcriptions of sessions dating back from 1996 to 2011, in a total of approximately 58...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
GENIA Tagger

The GENIA tagger analyzes English sentences and outputs the base forms, part-of-speech tags, chunk tags, and named entity tags. The tagger is specifically tuned for biomedical text such as MEDLINE abstracts.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
UIMA/U-Compare GENIA Tagger

The GENIA tagger analyzes English sentences and outputs the base forms, part-of-speech tags, chunk tags, and named entity tags. The tagger is specifically tuned for biomedical text such as MEDLINE abstracts. The tool is provided as a UIMA component, which forms part of the in-built library of...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Multifunctional Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Portuguese

The resource consists of a Portuguese frequency lexicon based on a 16 million words corpus of written and spoken texts from different genres. The lexicon contains 26.443 entries (lemma) and 140

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text