Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies and categorises syntactic chunks in plain text Tools in workflow: Freeling shallow parser web service (service provided by the PANACEA project) NOTE: The licence provided cove...
This tool assigns a part-of-speech tag and base form to each token in a text. It operates on text that has previously been tokenised and morphologically analysed. The POS tagger is a module of Apertium machine translation system. The provided tool can currently operate on a subset of the language...
This tool translates text from a source language into a target language. It operates on text that has previously been tokenised and morphologically analysed, and POS-tagged. Target language tokens are assigned POS tags and morphological analyses. The Apertium Translator is a module of Apertium ma...
This is a workflow that is designed especially for use in the UIMA-based U-Compare workbench (see separate META-SHARE record). The workflow is in "ucz" format (specific to U-Compare) and can be imported via the "Import Workflow" item in the "Workflows" menu of the U-Compare interface. It include...
This tool performs tokenization of text and assigns all possible morphological analyses to each token. These analyses include the base form of the token, part-of-speech, information about number and gender. The morphological analyser is a module of Apertium machine translation system. The provide...
Terms from different sciences and industries - ecology, economy, law, sociology, medecine, tourism and computation.
Terms for Digital Marketing
Terms of Social Webs
Terms that have (more or less) recently been accepted and normalised by Termcat, mixed fields
Multilingual corpora with coreferential annotation of person entities ===================================================================== In-progress corpora with coreferent annotation of person entities. Sources: journals and Wikipedia. Languages: * Portuguese: varieties from Portugal, Brazi...