Biographies of Portuguese People

This is a set of 11.361 biographies of Portuguese people. The compilation of the data involved the biography collection from wikipedia and data conversion. Several filters were applied to remove entries that were mostly empty or non applicable content. Format: JSON (conversion from HTML) ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
COVID-19 EU presscorner v1 dataset. Bilingual (EN-PT)

Bilingual (EN-PT) corpus acquired from website ( of the EU portal (14th May 2020).

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
FLY corpus - morpho

FLY Corpus is a corpus composed by 2000 informal letters written in Portuguese, in the years spanning from 1900 to 1974, in the context of war, migration, imprisonment and exile. Each letter is in an XML file with two main parts: (a) the header, which contains metadata about the document (the ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Local Government Documentation

This corpus is a collection of different governmental resources, containing two types of documents: minutes, which were taken during local council meetings (covering the years from 2007 till 2010) and memorandums (covering from 2008 till 2011). This corpus, consisting of raw text files and comma...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
FLY corpus - syntax

FLY Corpus is a corpus composed by 2000 informal letters written in Portuguese, in the years spanning from 1900 to 1974, in the context of war, migration, imprisonment and exile. Each letter is in an XML file with two main parts: (a) the header, which contains metadata about the document (the ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PS corpus (Post-Scriptum) - treebank

PS corpus (Post-Scriptum) - treebank is a treebank corpus of 586 informal mail letters written in Portuguese and Spanish during the Modern Ages (from the XVIth century to the beginning of the XIXth century). This treebank is a syntactically annotated subset of the Portuguese "PS corpus (Post-S...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Spanish; Castilian
MalToBi/SPAN Corpus

Audio corpus: 8 subfolders with .wav files Each containing : • 2 sound files containing a read story (“The sun and the wind”, each by speaker A and speaker B) • 2 sound files containing each 30 read sentences (each by speaker A and speaker B) • 2 x each of the 30 sentences as a single sound f...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio

EmoProsodyPort (see Castro & Lima, 2010) is a speech database with 368 short sentences and pseudosentences with neutral emotional content. Acoustic measurements and behavioral data.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio
Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - POS

Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - POS is a speech corpus with approximately 40 000 tokens (Utterances; spontaneous speech, mainly from Northern Portugal). Orthographic transcription, POS.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio
Inquirições reais

Royal inquiries of 1258 (primarily published in the Portugaliae Monumenta Historica).

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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