Europarl QTLeap WSD/NED corpus

Europarl QTLeap WSD/NED corpus This corpora is part of Deliverable 5.5 of the European Commission project QTLeap FP7-ICT-2013.4.1-610516 ( The texts are sentences from the Europarl parallel corpus (Koehn, 2005). We selected the monolingual sentences from parallel corpora ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Spanish; Castilian

EmoVoicePort, Emotional Vocalization Corpus (see Lima, Castro, & Scott, 2013) is a validated set of nonverbal vocalizations that portray four positive emotions (achievement/triumph, amusement, sensual pleasure, relief) and four negative ones (anger, disgust, fear, sadness). The vocalizations (n =...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio

CINTIL-UDep is a dependency bank of Portuguese with 38,400 sentences (and nearly 476,000 tokens), that is treebanked with Universal Dependencies (UD). This version of CINTIL-UDep supersedes the one included in the v2.11 (2022-11-15) release of the Universal Dependencies (https://universaldepende...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Corpus Desenvolvimento da Escrita no Ensino Básico

The DEEB Corpus contains the transcriptions of 1200 narrative texts written by pupils in their 4th, 6th and 9th year Portuguese Language exams in the public school system in Portugal.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - Áudio

Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - Áudio is an audio corpus of spontaneous speech, mainly from Northern Portugal.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio

The LX-WordSim-353 was created from WordSim-353 (Agirre et al., 2009). As the name suggests, this data set contains 353 pairs of words. Both words in each pair can have different morphosyntactic categories. The data set is made of nouns, adjectives, verbs and named entities, and has no multiwords...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
NoSta-D: German NER Dataset Train/Dev

Freely available large dataset, manually annotated for German NER. Includes nested span annotations. Source text from German Wikipedia and news. This data set does not contain the test data, which is used for the GermEval 2014 NER task at KONVENS. Test data will be available from September 2014.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - Orthographic and phonetic transcription

Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - ORTH is a speech corpus approximately with 40 000 tokens (Utterances; spontaneous speech, mainly from Northern Portugal). Orthographic and phonetic transcription.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio
News corpus categorised

The News corpus developed by LIACC in JSON format was complemented with POS and keyword topics annotation. POS-tagging =========== The POS-tagging used the tagger described in Généreux et al. (2012) The title and text body were extracted, tokenized and pos-tagged. Two new fields were added...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
English-Swedish parallel corpus from the translation of 'Sweden a Pocket Guide' book (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: A guide for foreigners who move to Sweden. Source langua...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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