
Uplug (see Tiedemann, 2003a) is a collection of tools and scripts for processing text-corpora, for automatic alignment and for term extraction from parallel corpora. Several tools have been integrated in Uplug. Pre-processing tools include a sentence splitter, a general tokenizer and wrappers a...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LXService is a Web Service that consists in a range of tools for Portuguese that have been develop for the processing of Portuguese. They were selected because they satisfy a number of features that are likely to make them more suitable for initial experimentation: They are fast, robust, the ling...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

MaltParser is a system for data-driven dependency parsing, which can be used to induce a parsing model from treebank data and to parse new data using an induced model. MaltParser is developed by Johan Hall, Jens Nilsson and Joakim Nivre at Växjö University and Uppsala University, Sweden (see Nivr...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

The present tool, that was built to deal with Portuguese-specific issues concerning a few non-trivial cases that involve tokenization-ambigous strings, segments text into lexically relevant tokens, using whitespace as the separator. Note that, in these examples, the | (vertical bar) symbol is use...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

MSTParser is a non-projective dependency parser (see McDonald et al., 2005a, 2006) that searches for maximum spanning trees over directed graphs. Models of dependency structure are based on large-margin discriminative training methods (see McDonald et al., 2005b). Projective parsing is also suppo...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

The present tool, that was built to deal with Portuguese-specific issues concerning syntactic categorization, assigns a single morpho-syntactic tag, from the tagset below, to every token. The tag is attached to the token, using a / (slash) symbol as separator: um exemplo → um/IA exemplo/CN ...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
OntoLP Plugin

The OntoLP system is a plug-in for the construction environment of the ontologies Protégé. The plug-in intents to be an assistant for the engineer of ontologies for Portuguese during the execution of initial steps concerning the ontologies construction: extraction of terms which are candidates fo...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

FORMA is a probabilistic tool for morphological tagging and lemmatization of text. The purpose of this tool is to obtain annotated text to be processed by other NLP tools (see Gonzalez et al., 2006).

Resource Type:Tool / Service
ACOPOST - A Collection of POS Taggers

ACOPOST is a free and open source collection of four part-of-speech taggers (t3, met, tbt, and et). In corpus linguistics, part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging or POST), also called grammatical tagging or word-category disambiguation, is the process of marking up the words in a text (corpus) as co...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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