CoRef Resolution

A coreference solver for Portuguese and Spanish

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare NP Chunking Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies NP chunks in plain text. Also carries out sentence splitting, tokenisation and POS tagging Tools in workflow: MLRS Sentence Splitter (University of Malta), UAIC-POSTagger, UAIC-...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
GENIA Tagger

The GENIA tagger analyzes English sentences and outputs the base forms, part-of-speech tags, chunk tags, and named entity tags. The tagger is specifically tuned for biomedical text such as MEDLINE abstracts.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

RudriCo-TOK is a tokenizer tool that splits contractions. De-contraction rules: 178.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Monolingual concordancer

Monolingual concordancer is a language independent concordancer tool. Note that the tool is also able to be used as a bilingual concordancer. Several corpora are also included in this resource.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Czech to English Machine translation module

Technical Description:

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-Syllabifier is a language processing tool for the syllabification of Portuguese text. This service was developed and is maintained at the University of Lisbon by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group of the Department of Informatics. LX-Syllabifier performs syllabification following a r...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Lemmatizer for Portuguese

Based on the MXPOST part of speech tagger and UNITEX dictionaries for Portuguese, this tool produces the lemmas of the words of a text stored in a plain text file. The source code is also provided.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

DVPM-browser is a browser for the DVPM lexical database of medieval Portuguese.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Bilingual concordancer

Bilingual concordancer is a language independent concordancer tool for bilingual concordancing, translation revision, post-editing, etc. Note that the tool is also able to be used as a monolingual concordancer. Several corpora are also included in this resource.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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