CW Corpus

The Complex Word (CW) Corpus contains 731 sentences each with one annotated CW. These simplifications were mined from Simple Wikipedia edit histories. Each entry gives an example of a sentence requiring simplification by means of a single lexical edit. This resource is primarily designed for t...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PhenoCHF Corpus

PhenoCHF is an annotated corpus consisting of documents belonging to two different text types (i.e., narrative reports from electronic health records (EHRs) and literature articles). It is manually annotated by medical doctors with detailed information relating to mentions of phenotype concepts a...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
The CIEMPIESS Proper-Names Pronouncing Dictionary

Transcriptions in the CIEMPIESS-PNPD are based on a phonetic alphabet called Mexbet. Mexbet was design for the Spanish of Central Mexico and it has several levels of granularity. The CIEMPIESS-PNPD comes in two versions: Mexbet T29 and Mexbet T66. Level T29 of Mexbet means that transcriptions ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Language:Spanish; Castilian

EmoVoicePort, Emotional Vocalization Corpus (see Lima, Castro, & Scott, 2013) is a validated set of nonverbal vocalizations that portray four positive emotions (achievement/triumph, amusement, sensual pleasure, relief) and four negative ones (anger, disgust, fear, sadness). The vocalizations (n =...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio

CINTIL-DeepBank (Branco et al., 2010) is a corpus of Portuguese texts annotated with deep grammatical information. This document refers to version 1.4 of the corpus, from January 2016, which adds over 15,400 annotated sentences to the previous version from September 2015. The current version i...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PS corpus (Post-Scriptum)-ES

PS Corpus (Post-Scriptum)-ES is a corpus of 2368 informal mail letters written in Spanish during the Modern Ages (from the XVIth century to the beginning of the XIXth century). Each letter is available as a semi-palaeographic transcription, a modernized transcription, and with part-of-speech a...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Language:Spanish; Castilian
Illum Corpus

The full editions of ILLUM from 12/11/2006 to 30/05/2010 (185 issues).

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
GENIA Event Corpus with meta-knowledge annotation

The corpus consists of 1000 MEDLINE abstracts. It is a subset of the original GENIA POS & term corpus, which was selected using the three MeSH terms human, blood cells and transcription factors. In each sentence, three types of information are annotated 1) biomedical terms are identified and assi...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
GENIA POS & Term Corpus

A corpus of 2,000 MEDLINE abstracts, collected using the three MeSH terms human, blood cells and transcription factors. The corpus is available in three formats: 1) A text file containing part-of-speech (POS) annotation, based on the Penn Treebank format, 2) An XML file containing inline POS anno...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus

This is a corpus for multi-document summarization for European Portuguese. It contains 80 topics, each of which has 10 documents, for a total of 800 documents. Each topic contains two human summaries. The summaries are compressive: they are the result of a compression of the sentences in the orig...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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