FLY corpus - syntax

FLY Corpus is a corpus composed by 2000 informal letters written in Portuguese, in the years spanning from 1900 to 1974, in the context of war, migration, imprisonment and exile. Each letter is in an XML file with two main parts: (a) the header, which contains metadata about the document (the ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Inquirições reais

Royal inquiries of 1258 (primarily published in the Portugaliae Monumenta Historica).

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Portuguese Parish Memories (1758)

«The Memórias Paroquiais (Parish Memories) are an essential source for obtaining a radiography of Portugal in 1758-1761. They correspond to a survey, organized in 3 major parts (the locality itself, the mountain and the river), which was printed and sent to those responsible for the dioceses of t...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

CINTIL-QATreebank is a treebank composed of Portuguese sentences that can be used to support the development of Question Answering systems. This Treebank includes 111 declarative sentences from the pre-existing CINTIL-Treebank (see Branco et al. 2011) whose syntactic structure was manually transf...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
BERTimbau - Portuguese BERT-Large language model

This resource contains a pre-trained BERT language model trained on the Portuguese language. A BERT-Large cased variant was trained on the BrWaC (Brazilian Web as Corpus), a large Portuguese corpus, for 1,000,000 steps, using whole-word mask. The model is available as artifacts for TensorFlow an...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text

CINTIL-DeepBank (Branco et al., 2010) is a corpus of Portuguese texts annotated with deep grammatical information. This document refers to version 1.4 of the corpus, from January 2016, which adds over 15,400 annotated sentences to the previous version from September 2015. The current version i...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Geo-Net-PT 02

Geo-Net-PT 02 is a public Geospatial Ontology of Portugal (see Chaves et al., 2007), a computational resource (see Rodrigues et al., 2006 and Rodrigues, 2009) for applications demanding geographic information about Portugal, and contains 701,209 concepts stored in a GKB system, most of them admin...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
Priberam Compressive Summarization Corpus

This is a corpus for multi-document summarization for European Portuguese. It contains 80 topics, each of which has 10 documents, for a total of 800 documents. Each topic contains two human summaries. The summaries are compressive: they are the result of a compression of the sentences in the orig...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

CINTIL DependencyBank PREMIUM is a corpus of Portuguese utterances manually annotated with the representation of grammatical dependency relations and the information of part-of-speech, inflection and lemmas. It is being developed and maintained at the University of Lisbon. The current version is ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Lexicon of discourse markers for European Portuguese

The lexicon of discourse markers for European Portuguese contains 252 pairs of discourse marker/rhetorical sense. The lexicon covers conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs, adverbial phrases and alternative lexicalizations with a connective function, as in the PDTB (Prasad et al., 2008; Prasad et al...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

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