U-Compare Platform

The purpose of the U-Compare platform is to facilitate easy and rapid development and evaluation of NLP and text mining systems. It includes utilities (including a graphical user interface, the U-Compare workbench, see separate record in META-SHARE) to create workflows from individual, interopera...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare/UIMA speech annotation viewer

This is a UIMA component that provides a visualization of speech based output from UIMA workflows. It has been developed at the University of Manchester, using libraries of the Java Speech Toollkit (jstk). It has been designed specifically for use with the U-Compare text mining workbench (see sep...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Workbench

The U-Compare Workbench is a graphical user interface that operates on top of the U-Compare platform. The U-Compare platform allows users to build and evaluate NLP workflows. Workflows consist of one or more components, consisting of corpus readers and tools, such as tokenisers, POS taggers, name...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
YAKE! Keyword Extractor

Yake! (Campos et al. 2020) is a novel feature-based system for multi-lingual keyword extraction, which supports texts of different sizes, domain or languages. Unlike most of the systems, Yake! does not rely on dictionaries nor thesauri, neither is trained against any corpora. Instead, we follow a...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
YamCha: Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator

YamCha is a generic, customizable, and open source text chunker oriented toward a lot of NLP tasks, such as POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition, base NP chunking, and Text Chunking. We used it for NP chunking.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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