PsychAnaphora - Reading times in a self-paced reading task

This set of materials resulted from a study on the processing of explicit pronouns in European Portuguese. A spreadsheet containing data from 75 participants (young adults), namely, per-word reading times and accuracy data on comprehension questions, is provided. Complementary materials (Read First file, stimuli, participants' demographic data, scores on two Working Memory tasks, and a published paper) are also provided. In this study, we aimed to characterize, using self-paced reading times, as well as latency and accuracy data pertaining to the participants’ answers to reading-comprehension questions, the processing differences that occur when such pronouns are resolved to (1) a commanding antecedent vs a non-commanding antecedent, the first corresponding to a genitive construction (subject of the matrix clause in a relative construction) and the second to the noun phrase embedded therein, in the genitive recess, and (2) to two types of non-commanding antecedents, differing by their order of mention, namely, the first or second conjoint of a conjunctive coordination structure (subject of the matrix clause in a relative construction). The contrast between (1) and (2) disentangles the effect of the variables command and order of mention. These two variables are necessarily confounded in (1), since (in European Portuguese) in type 1 sentences a commanding antecedent always precedes its non-commanding counterpart. We further aimed to assess the contribution of working memory capacity to the pronoun resolution process in each of these syntactic contexts. Part of the results obtained are reported and discussed in the journal paper contained in the pdf file 'A new test for the assessment of working memory 2018'. The name of each of the files presently made available is listed in a Read First document, and their contents are briefly described therein. The SPSS database Self.Paced.Reading_Pr_Pr+1_Pr+2_WM.measures contains the demographic information (gender, age, years of formal schooling) for the 75 participants who yielded valid data. Measures of working memory were also obtained for each participant and registered in this database, namely, accuracy on a month ordering task, and on a 2-back task.


  • Language Description
  • text

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