Grapheme to phoneme converter
for European Portuguese



Phonological alphabet


This Grapheme-to-Phoneme converter works with the Portuguese spelling, both prior to and after the Orthographic Agreement of 1990.

Transcriptions can be presented in IPA or SAMPA, using the following conventions:

  • Only falling semivowels are used;
  • / l/ (SAMPA and IPA) represents the alveolar lateral approximant (e.g. in lado 'side', similar to love), which is not considered distinct from the alveolar lateral approximant velarized (e.g. in mel 'honey', similar to milk);
  • /ɾ/ (IPA) or /r/ (SAMPA) symbolize the single vibrant (flap), exemplified in caro 'expensive' (similar to car);
  • /ʀ/ (IPA) or /R/ (SAMPA) symbolize the multi vibrant (trill), exemplified in carro 'car' (similar to carry);
  • /ˈ/ (IPA) or /"/ (SAMPA) mark the stressed vowel on the left side (primary stress);
  • /ˌ/ (IPA) or /%/ (SAMPA) mark the secondary stress, located to the left of the vowel. This secondary stress mark is common in the adverbs of manner (e.g. agradavelmente 'nicely').

To obtain more information, you are invited to visit the Signal Processing Lab of the Institute of Telecommunications, Polo of Coimbra.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.