MLSS Paragraph Splitter Web service

The paragraph splitter is a web service tool which takes text as input and outputs the identified paragraphs surrounded by tags. The tool is language independent. The download for this resource only contains the narrative description in a Word file. The service has one method which can be invo...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
MLSS Tagger Web Service

The part of speech tagger for Maltese is based on TnT, the statistical part of speech tagger by Thorsten Brants ( It was modified for the Maltese Language Resource Server (MLRS) by Albert Gatt (Linguistics Department, University of Malta). The mode...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
MLSS Sentence Splitter Web Service

The MLSS Sentence Splitter is a web service tool, which takes text as input and outputs the identified sentences surrounded by tags. The tool was tuned for Maltese. The download for this resource only contains the narrative description in a Word file. The web service has one methods which can ...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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