English-Estonian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
English-Latvian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
English-Danish EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
English-Lithuanian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
TakeLab Vectors

This resource includes the distributional semantic vectors used for the replication of the TakeLab system (https://github.com/nlx-group/arct-rep-rev). The TakeLab system is an automatic classifier for the Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task (https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/S18-1121/). The ...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

List of companies with further information

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

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