Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Youth 2011 Report (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. A parallel Polish-English version of the Youth 2011 repo...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regional Dataset (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. A collection of Polish-English whitepapers published by ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Parallel corpus (Bulgarian - English) in the public administration domain (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel (bg-en) corpus of 11262 translation units in th...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Parallel corpus (Polish - English) from the website of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel (pl-en) corpus of 14736 translation units in th...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Historical Dataset (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. A collection of parallel Polish-English texts published ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Bilingual Croatian-English Parallel Corpus (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Bilingual Croatian-English Parallel Corpus of 21340 tran...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Parallel corpus (Greek - English) in the public administration domain (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Parallel (el-en) corpus of 12509 translation units in th...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Greek, Modern (1453-)
English-Slovak parallel corpus of texts from The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (Processed)  

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Dataset of various English-Slovak legal texts within age...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Civil Aviation Regulations (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. A collection of parallel Polish-English texts published ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Natolin European Centre Dataset (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. The Polish-English parallel corpus is composed of three ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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