This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: Monolingual documents received from the Government of th...
In the period since 2004, many novel sophisticated approaches for generic multi-document summarization have been developed. Intuitive simple approaches have also been shown to perform unexpectedly well for the task. Yet it is practically impossible to compare the existing approaches directly, bec...
Automatically generated corpus of 98,818 graph/string pairs.
A burst-annotated co-occurrence network about the Arab Spring topic built on the top of New York Times article snapshots from the years 2010-2013.
Dundee GCG-Bank contains hand-corrected deep syntactic annotations for the Dundee eye-tracking corpus (Kennedy et al., 2003). The annotations are designed to support psycholinguistic investigation into the structural determinants of sentence processing effort. Dundee GCG-Bank is distributed as a ...
ExtraGLUE is a Portuguese dataset obtained by the automatic translation of some of the tasks in the GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks. Two variants of Portuguese are considered, namely European Portuguese and American Portuguese. The 14 tasks in extraGLUE cover different aspects of language unders...
A corpus of 2,019 tweets annotated along each of four emotion dimensions: Valence, Dominance, Arousal and Surprise. Two annotation schemes are used: a 5-point ordinal scale (using SAM manikins for Valence, Arousal and Dominance) and pair-wise comparisons with an "about the same" option (here 2,01...
Corpus of raw and manual post-edited translations (50.204 words). It was created by manual post-editing of the Basque outputs given by Matxin RBMT system translating 100 entries from the Spanish Wikipedia.