SENTER is a SENtence splitTER for Portuguese.
LX-UTagger is a POS tagger for Portuguese that adopts the Universal Part-of-Speech tagset (UPOS), related to the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 99.06% under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silv...
A NER-classifier based on memory-based learning, trained on the CINTIL dataset, a corpus that contains part of the Corpus de Referência do Português Contemporâneo - CRPC (Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese).
Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies sentences and tokens in plain text. Tools in workflow: Freeling sentence splitter web service (service provided by the PANACEA project), LX-Tokenizer (web service provided by th...
LX-UDParser is a UD parser for Portuguese, which adopts the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 90.87 for UAS and 88.01 for LAS under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silva, Luís Gomes and João Rodri...
Based on the MXPOST part of speech tagger and UNITEX dictionaries for Portuguese, this tool produces the lemmas of the words of a text stored in a plain text file. The source code is also provided.
LX-Tagger is a freely available online service for the part-of-speech tagging of Portuguese. It was developed and is mantained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. The service is composed by a set of shallow processing tools: A se...
A language identifier for closely related languages.
This is a workflow that is designed especially for use in the UIMA-based U-Compare workbench (see separate META-SHARE record). The workflow is in "ucz" format (specific to U-Compare) and can be imported via the "Import Workflow" item in the "Workflows" menu of the U-Compare interface. It include...
This tool assigns a part-of-speech tag and base form to each token in a text. It operates on text that has previously been tokenised and morphologically analysed. The POS tagger is a module of Apertium machine translation system. The provided tool can currently operate on a subset of the language...