The LogicalFormBankPT (Branco, 2009, and Branco et al., 2011) is a corpus of semantic dependencies of translated texts composed of 3,406 sentences and 44,598 tokens taken from the Wall Street Journal. The LogicalFormBankPT is composed of MRS representations of each sentence’s semantic relation...
The CINTIL-LogicalFormBank (Branco, 2009, and Branco et al., 2011) is a corpus of semantic dependencies of sentences from Portuguese texts composed of 10,039 sentences and 110,166 tokens taken from different sources and domains: news (8,861 sentences; 101,430 tokens), novels (399 sentences; 3,082...
The PropBankPT (Branco et al., 2012) is a set of sentences annotated with their constituency structure and semantic role tags, composed of 3,406 sentences and 44,598 tokens taken from the Wall Street Journal translated. For the creation of this PropBank we adopted a semi-automatic analysis with...
The CINTIL-PropBank (Branco et al., 2012) is a corpus of sentences annotated with their constituency structure and semantic role tags, composed of 10,039 sentences and 110,166 tokens taken from different sources and domains: news (8,861 sentences; 101,430 tokens), and novels (399 sentences; 3,082...