
DiZer 2.0 is a web interface for discourse parsing. It is based on DiZer (Pardo and Nunes, 2008), the first discourse parser for Brazilian Portuguese. The system aims at producing the discourse structure of a source text following the Rhetorical Structure Theory – RST (Mann and Thompson, 1987), o...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

SENTER is a SENtence splitTER for Portuguese.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

RudriCo-POS is a part-of-speech disambiguation tool that performs 188 morphological disambiguation rules.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-UTagger is a POS tagger for Portuguese that adopts the Universal Part-of-Speech tagset (UPOS), related to the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 99.06% under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silv...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-Tagger is a freely available online service for the part-of-speech tagging of Portuguese. It was developed and is mantained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. The service is composed by a set of shallow processing tools: A se...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LexMan-POSTagger is a morphological analyser tool that morphologically tags all words. Size: Lemmas verbs: 12 995; Lemmas nouns and adj: 38 180; Lemmas adverbs: 7 250; Compound words: 35 201. Language: Portuguese.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Gervásio PT-BR base

Gervásio PT-* is a foundation, large language model for the Portuguese language. It is a decoder of the GPT family, based on the neural architecture Transformer and developed over the Pythia model, with competitive performance for this language. It has different versions that were trained for ...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text
Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - Orthographic and phonetic transcription

Arquivo Dialetal CLUP - ORTH is a speech corpus approximately with 40 000 tokens (Utterances; spontaneous speech, mainly from Northern Portugal). Orthographic and phonetic transcription.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Audio

The present tool, that was built to deal with specific issues concerning orthographic conventions adopted for Portuguese, marks sentence boundaries with <s>…</s>, and paragraph boundaries with <p>…</p>. Unwraps sentences split over different lines. A f-score of 99.94% was obtained when testing o...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Dicionário de Gentílicos e Topónimos

Dicionário de Gentílicos e Topónimos is a list of pairs of toponyms and demonyms. The toponyms and demonyms included have a morphologically compositional relation between each other. The list contains around 1500 such pairs and additionally provides information on the toponym referent (upper unit...

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text

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