The LX-ESSLLI 2008 data set was created from the ESSLLI 2008 Distributional Semantic Workshop shared-task set, made of 44 concrete nouns grouped in 6 semantic categories (4 animate and 2 inanimate). The grouping is done in an hierarchical way following the top 10 properties from the McRae (2005) ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

A collection of language resources for the evaluation of distributional semantic models of Portuguese: LX-SimLex-999: http://metashare.metanet4u.eu/go2/lx-simlex-999 LX-Rare Word Similarity Data set: http://metashare.metanet4u.eu/go2/lx-rare-word-similarity-dataset LX-WordSim-353: h...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

Hesita-POS is an annotaded corpus. Tv News.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
FEUP news corpus

News articles collected from Portuguese newspapers.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

CINTIL-USuite is a corpus of Portuguese that is annotated with lemmas, the Universal Part-of-Speech tagset (UPOS) and Universal feature bundles, related to the Universal Dependency framework, and that contains around 1 million annotated tokens. It is described in this article: António Branc...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
CorPop: a corpus of popular Brazilian Portuguese

This research proposes a corpus of popular Brazilian Portuguese, called CorPop, with texts selected based on the average level of literacy of the country's readers. CorPop’s theoretical and methodological bases are interdisciplinary and fall within the scope of Language Studies and related discip...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The LX-Battig was created from Battig test.set (Baroni et al., 2010). This data set has 83 concrete concepts of the following 10 categories: mammals, birds, fish, vegetables, fruit, trees, vehicles, clothes, tools and kitchenware. The categories names and the concepts were translated by two trans...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Spoken Corpus Mozambique

The Spoken Corpus Mozambique contains approximately 121,958 running words of spoken Portuguese from Mozambique. It includes 40 transcriptions of spoken recordings (in a total of 40 hours of recordings) that were recorded between 1986 and 1987.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The LogicalFormBankPT (Branco, 2009, and Branco et al., 2011) is a corpus of semantic dependencies of translated texts composed of 3,406 sentences and 44,598 tokens taken from the Wall Street Journal. The LogicalFormBankPT is composed of MRS representations of each sentence’s semantic relation...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Porttinari – PORTuguese Treebank

Porttinari-base (Duran et al., 2023) is the journalistic portion of Porttinari (which stands for “PORTuguese Treebank”), which shall be a large multigenre treebank for Portuguese (Pardo et al., 2021), following the "Universal Dependencies" international grammar framework (de Marneffe et al., 2021...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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