
LX-UDParser is a UD parser for Portuguese, which adopts the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 90.87 for UAS and 88.01 for LAS under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silva, Luís Gomes and João Rodri...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-UTagger is a POS tagger for Portuguese that adopts the Universal Part-of-Speech tagset (UPOS), related to the Universal Dependency framework, with an initial performance of 99.06% under a ten-fold cross validation scheme. It is described in this article: António Branco, João Ricardo Silv...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

The LX-WordSim-353 was created from WordSim-353 (Agirre et al., 2009). As the name suggests, this data set contains 353 pairs of words. Both words in each pair can have different morphosyntactic categories. The data set is made of nouns, adjectives, verbs and named entities, and has no multiwords...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Ontology for the area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

The Ontology for the area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Ontologia para a área de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia) is constituted by 511 terms of this field of knowledge. It was extracted from a corpus collected from the Web, with a total of 2.570.792 words

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
PAROLE Portuguese Annotated Corpus

The PAROLE Portuguese Corpus – tagged subset contains 250.000 tokens and is a subset of the PAROLE Portuguese Corpus of 3 million running words of European Portuguese. The corpus was classified and encoded according to the common core parole encoding standard. The tagged subset reproduces appro...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PAROLE Portuguese Lexicon

The resource is constituted by 20 thousand entries morpho-syntactically and syntactically encoded, accordingly to the parole common encoding standards.

Resource Type:Lexical / Conceptual
Media Type:Text
Porttinari – PORTuguese Treebank

Porttinari-base (Duran et al., 2023) is the journalistic portion of Porttinari (which stands for “PORTuguese Treebank”), which shall be a large multigenre treebank for Portuguese (Pardo et al., 2021), following the "Universal Dependencies" international grammar framework (de Marneffe et al., 2021...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Portuguese-English bilingual corpus from the Portuguese Constitution (Processed)

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. Complete text of the Portuguese Constitution in Portugue...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The PropBankPT (Branco et al., 2012) is a set of sentences annotated with their constituency structure and semantic role tags, composed of 3,406 sentences and 44,598 tokens taken from the Wall Street Journal translated. For the creation of this PropBank we adopted a semi-automatic analysis with...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

The PTPARL Corpus contains approximately 975,806 running words of European Portuguese. It includes 1076 texts consisting of adapted transcriptions of the Portuguese parliament sessions, which were made available in 2004.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text

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