MARv-POS is a part-of-speech tagger tool (probabilistic POS annotation module). MARv4's architecture comprehends two submodules: a set of linguistically-oriented disambiguation rules module and a probabilistic disambiguation module. The linguistic-oriented is no longer used in the STRING chain be...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-TimeAnalyzer is a freely available online service for the extraction of temporal information from Portuguese text. It was developed and is maintained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. LX-TimeAnalyzer extracts temporal inform...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-Proficiency is an online service for the quantitative analysis of texts along a range of linguistic metrics, and for the estimation of the proficiency level of texts. These quantitative metrics are meant to provide support in the classification of texts according to the proficiency levels i...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-SRLabeler is a freely available on-line service for constituency parsing and semantic role labeling of Portuguese sentences. This service was developed and is maintained at University of Lisbon by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group of the Department of Informatics. LX-SRLabeler is su...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
ComLinToo: The Computational Linguistics Toolset

The Computational Linguistics Toolset is a set of tools for computational linguistics. It contains re-usable code for cleaning, splitting, refining, and taking samples from corpora (ICE, Penn, and a native one), for tagging them using the TnT-tagger, for doing permutation statistics on N-grams (u...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Reddit Dataset Extraction Tool

Reddit Dataset Extraction Tool (RDET) is a tool that takes advantage of the resources available at '' that relate to Reddit comments and submissions and generates new datasets based on any given subreddit.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Tell me Stories - Temporal Summarization framework

Conta-me Histórias [] is a temporal summarization framework of news articles that allows users to explore and revisit events in the past. To select relevant stories of different time-periods, we rely on YAKE! [] a keyword extraction algorithm devel...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-Syllabifier is a language processing tool for the syllabification of Portuguese text. This service was developed and is maintained at the University of Lisbon by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group of the Department of Informatics. LX-Syllabifier performs syllabification following a r...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

FEUP CoRef is a freely available online service for coreference resolution in Portuguese and Spanish. This service was developed and is maintained at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Department of Informatics.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
UIMA/U-Compare Stanford Parser

Syntactic parser for English. Outputs dependency relations. Also outputs parts-of-speech for each token. The tool is provided as a UIMA component, specifically as Java archive (jar) file, which can be incorporated within any UIMA workflow. However, it is particularly designed use in the U-Com...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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