FORMA is a probabilistic tool for morphological tagging and lemmatization of text. The purpose of this tool is to obtain annotated text to be processed by other NLP tools (see Gonzalez et al., 2006).

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Sentence Splitting Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies sentences in plain text Tools in workflow: Freeling sentence splitter web service (service provided by the PANACEA project) NOTE: The licence provided covers the web service o...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
Lince - Conversor para a Nova Ortografia

Lince is a multi-platform stand-alone application that updates the textual contents of documents in a range of popular formats to the spelling prescribed by the 1990 Portuguese language reform. It works with both previously existing Portuguese language orthographic standards (1943, previously val...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
STEPP Tagger

Part-of-speech tagger tuned to biomedical text, provided as a web service.

Resource Type:Tool / Service
UIMA/U-Compare Enju parser

Syntactic parser for English. Outputs predicate-argument structures. Also outputs base forms for each token. The tool is provided as a UIMA component, which forms part of the in-built library of components provided with the U-Compare platform (see separate META-SHARE record) for building and...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Segmentation Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies clauses/segments in plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens, POS tags and lemmas. Tools in workflow: Cafetiere Sentence Splitter (University of Manchester), TTL Tokenizer...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

ixa-pipe-pos-eu is a robust and wide-coverage morphological analyser and a Part-of-Speech tagger for Basque. The analyser is based on the two-level formalism and has been designed in an incremental way with three main modules: the standard analyser, the analyser of linguistic variants, and the...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
YamCha: Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator

YamCha is a generic, customizable, and open source text chunker oriented toward a lot of NLP tasks, such as POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition, base NP chunking, and Text Chunking. We used it for NP chunking.

Resource Type:Tool / Service

ixa-pipe-coref-eu is a Basque coreference resolution tool, which is an adaptation of Stanford Deterministic Coreference Resolution ( This tool reads a text document annotated with lemmas, named entities and constituents formated in Natural La...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

ixa-pipe-dep-eu is a Basque dependency parsing tool. It is based on MATE-tools. This tool takes a document in Natural Language Processing Annotation Format (NAF) format ( and outputs a new NAF document. This tool is partly funded by the European Commission ...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

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