U-Compare Tokenisation service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies sentences and tokens in plain text. Tools in workflow: Freeling sentence splitter web service (service provided by the PANACEA project), LX-Tokenizer (web service provided by th...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Species Disambiguation Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies biological named entities and disambiguates them according to species, by assigning a species ID from the NCBI taxonomy. Also identifies sentences and tokens. Tools in workflow...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Named Entity Recognition service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies biomedical named entities (genes and proteins) in plain text. Also identifies sentences. Tools in workflow: Cafetiere Sentence Splitter (University of Manchester), NEMine (Univ...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
MLSS Sentence Splitter Web Service

The MLSS Sentence Splitter is a web service tool, which takes text as input and outputs the identified sentences surrounded by tags. The tool was tuned for Maltese. The download for this resource only contains the narrative description in a Word file. The web service has one methods which can ...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Discourse Parsing Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Performs discourse parsing on plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens, parts of speech, lemmas, clauses and coreference chains Tools in workflow: UAIC-POSTagger, UAIC-NPChunker, UAI...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Co-reference Identification service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies co-reference chains in plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens with parts-of-speech and lemmas, and NP chunks Tools in workflow: TTL-Tokenizer (RACAI, Romania), TTL-Tagger...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare Segmentation Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies clauses/segments in plain text. Also identifies sentences, tokens, POS tags and lemmas. Tools in workflow: Cafetiere Sentence Splitter (University of Manchester), TTL Tokenizer...

Resource Type:Tool / Service
U-Compare NP Chunking Service

Web service created by exporting UIMA-based workflow from the U-Compare text mining system. Functionality: Identifies NP chunks in plain text. Also carries out sentence splitting, tokenisation and POS tagging Tools in workflow: MLRS Sentence Splitter (University of Malta), UAIC-POSTagger, UAIC-...

Resource Type:Tool / Service