Handle: | https://hdl.handle.net/21.11129/0000-000B-D373-5 (persistent URL to this page) |
ixa-pipe-pos-eu is a robust and wide-coverage morphological analyser and a Part-of-Speech tagger for Basque.
The analyser is based on the two-level formalism and has been designed in an incremental way with three main modules: the standard analyser, the analyser of linguistic variants, and the analyser without lexicon which can recognize word-forms without having their lemmas in the lexicon. ixa-pipe-pos-eu provides the lemma, PoS and morphological information for each token.
This tool reads raw text and outputs a file in Natural Language Processing Annotation Format (NAF) (http://wordpress.let.vupr.nl/naf/).
This tool is partly funded by the European Commission project QTLeap FP7-ICT-2013.4.1-610516 (http://qtleap.eu). This tool is distributed under the license GPL v3.0.