U-Compare Type system

The resource constitues of a hierarchically-structured system of data types, which is intended to be suitable for describing the inputs and output annotation types of a wide range of natural language processing applications which operate within the UIMA Framework. It is being developed in conjunc...

Resource Type:Language Description
Media Type:Text
UIMA/U-Compare GENIA Tagger

The GENIA tagger analyzes English sentences and outputs the base forms, part-of-speech tags, chunk tags, and named entity tags. The tagger is specifically tuned for biomedical text such as MEDLINE abstracts. The tool is provided as a UIMA component, which forms part of the in-built library of...

Resource Type:Tool / Service

LX-Suite is a freely available online service for the shallow processing of Portuguese. It was developed and is maintained by the NLX-Natural Language and Speech Group at the University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics. LX-Suite is composed by a set of shallow processing tools: - LX Sente...

Resource Type:Tool / Service