This resource is part of Deliverable 5.7 of the European Comission project QTLeap FP7-ICT-2013.4.1-610516 ( This gazetteer comprises multilingual lexicon entries used for the translation of specific IT domain expressions for Basque, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Engli...
This resource comprises multilingual lexicon entries used for the translation of specific IT domain expressions. This gazetteer has been collected from four different sources: VLC, LibreOffice and KDE localization projects and IT domain Wikipedia articles.
This lexicon is part of the collection of the Wikimedia Dumps which was retrieved as an XML file from on November 5, 2012. In the Wikimedia dump, it is accompanied by a text file mtwiktionary-20121105-pages-articles-multistream-index.txt which li...
Hontology (H stands for hotel, hostal and hostel) (available at is a new multilingual ontology for the accommodation sector freely available, containing 282 concepts categorized into 16 top-level concepts. The concepts of other voca...
Bilingual dictionaries encoded in XML - Hausa-French dict. for basic cycle, 2008 Soutéba: 7,823 entries; - Kanuri-French dict. for basic cycle, 2004 Soutéba: 5,994 entries; - Tamajaq-French dict. for basic cycle, 2007 Soutéba: 5,205 entries; - Songhai-zarma-French dict. for basic cycle, 2007 Sout...
Terms of Exotic Wood
Terms that have (more or less) recently been accepted and normalised by Termcat, mixed fields
Terms of Research Thesaurus
The AuCoPro-Splitting dataset contains compounds annotated with their compound boundaries and linking morphemes. The dataset consists of two files, one for Afrikaans and one for Dutch. The annotation was performed according to annotation guidelines as described in Verhoeven, van Zaanen, van Huyss...
Terms of Social Webs