The PTPARL Corpus contains approximately 975,806 running words of European Portuguese. It includes 1076 texts consisting of adapted transcriptions of the Portuguese parliament sessions, which were made available in 2004.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
LT Corpus

The LT Corpus (Literary Corpus) contains approximately 1,781,083 running words of European and Brazilian Portuguese. It includes 70 copyright-free classics (61 Portugal and 9 from Brazil) published before 1940.

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PS corpus (Post-Scriptum)-ES

PS Corpus (Post-Scriptum)-ES is a corpus of 2368 informal mail letters written in Spanish during the Modern Ages (from the XVIth century to the beginning of the XIXth century). Each letter is available as a semi-palaeographic transcription, a modernized transcription, and with part-of-speech a...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
Language:Spanish; Castilian
FLY corpus - syntax

FLY Corpus is a corpus composed by 2000 informal letters written in Portuguese, in the years spanning from 1900 to 1974, in the context of war, migration, imprisonment and exile. Each letter is in an XML file with two main parts: (a) the header, which contains metadata about the document (the ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
PS corpus (Post-Scriptum)-PT

PS Corpus (Post-Scriptum)-PT is a corpus of 2215 informal mail letters written in Portuguese during the Modern Ages (from the XVIth century to the beginning of the XIXth century). Each letter is available as a semi-palaeographic transcription, a modernized transcription, and with part-of-speec...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text
FLY corpus - morpho

FLY Corpus is a corpus composed by 2000 informal letters written in Portuguese, in the years spanning from 1900 to 1974, in the context of war, migration, imprisonment and exile. Each letter is in an XML file with two main parts: (a) the header, which contains metadata about the document (the ...

Resource Type:Corpus
Media Type:Text