Terms for Digital Marketing
Terms of Social Webs
Terms for Fairs and Congresses
Terms of Exotic Wood
Economical Crisis terms
Terms of Research Thesaurus
Terms that have (more or less) recently been accepted and normalised by Termcat, mixed fields
Industry terms
Multilingual (CEF languages) corpus acquired from website (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/) of the EU portal (14th May 2020). It contains 23 TMX files (EN-X, where X is a CEF language) with 83217 TUs in total.
Text corpus for bilingual concordancing, single- and multi-word translation extraction, machine translation. Languages: cs-pt, de-pt, en-pt, es-pt, fr-pt, it-pt, and pt-sk. Size: 1 G per language (phrases aligned). Domain: Law and Health.
Filter by:
English (17)
French (17)
Italian (17)
Portuguese (17)
Spanish; Castilian (17)
German (16)
Bulgarian (7)
Czech (7)
Dutch; Flemish (7)
Polish (7)
Slovak (7)
Croatian (6)
Danish (6)
Estonian (6)
Finnish (6)
Hungarian (6)
Irish (6)
Latvian (6)
Lithuanian (6)
Maltese (6)
Romanian (6)
Slovenian (6)
Swedish (6)
Galician (3)
Basque (2)
Latin (2)
Arabic (1)
Chinese (1)
Hindi (1)
Icelandic (1)
Russian (1)
Swahili (1)
Thai (1)
Turkish (1)
Urdu (1)
Vietnamese (1)