277780 sentence pairs (in 23 EN-X language pairs in total) extracted from the Publications Office of the EU on the medical domain. These are sourced from laws, studies, EC announcements, etc. labelled with concepts like epidemiology, epidemic, disease surveillance, health control, public hygiene,...
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English (11)
Spanish; Castilian (11)
Swedish (11)
Finnish (11)
French (11)
German (10)
Polish (10)
Romanian (10)
Italian (8)
Bulgarian (7)
Croatian (7)
Czech (7)
Estonian (7)
Hungarian (7)
Latvian (7)
Lithuanian (7)
Danish (6)
Dutch; Flemish (6)
Irish (6)
Maltese (6)
Portuguese (6)
Slovak (6)
Slovenian (6)
Icelandic (1)